IPL フォトフェイシャル④ (IPL Photofacial ④)

IPL フォトフェイシャル④ (IPL Photofacial ④)





★ 1回 350ドル
★ 3回セット 900ドル(300ドル/回)
★ 5回セット 1,400ドル(280ドル/回)


The other day, somebody asked me if gentleman can get Photofacial treatment.  Of course, yes!!  Many men in Hawaii enjoy golfing and surfing are concerned about their brown spots as getting older.  Even though a husband does not care, but his wife cares, sometimes. (That’s me.)  I hope this will become a trigger for men to take care of their skin preventing cancer.  However, as the light of IPL reacts to the color, he might feel pain a little around the beard area.

Since New Year, we have cool weather unlikely in Hawaii.  Now is the good opportunity to have Photofacial when we have less UV light.

〔The price of Photofacial〕

★One time        $350

★3 Sets             $900 ($300 each)

★5 Sets             $1,400 ($280 each)

Some people purchase 5 sets and share with spouse, parents or children.  First of all, please experience the result of treatment!

- Chigusa Suehiro, Aesthetician

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